Friday, July 6, 2012

Here is my first assignment in my 3D Character One Animation class. The assignment criteria was that the character had to jump. I was also given the phrase "take off your shoes" as well as  a "bug" to incorporate. It also had to be animated in 40 frames which is why it abruptly ends. I am extremely happy with this overall. As I've stated before, I'm more of a 2D animator and usually have trouble with 3D. I have to say that my professor, Scott Wright (former Dreamworks Animator), is incredible and showed our class a few tricks on how to treat 3D like 2D. I think it helped big time!

The very end with his legs bothers me and upon watching it a few more times, I realize that his right leg (screen left), gets a little wonky with his knee. I need to go back in and adjust that knee controller! In any event, not too shabby for like my second piece of 3D animation!

More to come as I get more assignments!!


  1. It's excellent for your 2nd try at 3D animation. As for a "wonky" right leg, you must be referring to mine! (inside joke) because I'd take that knee any day of the week!
