Monday, May 20, 2013

Big day for posting. Making up for lost time I suppose...

Anyway, I wanted to share this layout I did for my vampire short I'm working on. I have to say layouts aren't really my strong suit. I feel as though the colors work here and some of the texturing/coloring, however I feel as though everything looks kind of flat. Like, here's a couch, here's a lamp. Filling space rather than composed properly. I think the couch and lamp are the issue. Perhaps moving them over slightly to the left, shrinking them down some to feel as though there's space in the room....

I just know for the shot I need and for the characters it works. We'll see. Definitely rambling. Haven't slept yet too. That's not helping.


  1. Isn't that the couch Scott had in his living room on Skyview? Not only does it look like it, I bet it even smells like it! Even I wouldn't sleep on that thing, I got your bed to crash on. Who'd a thunk that I would have my own room and bed! Deal with it tough guy, it's mine now. Is that our TV in the living room? Sure looks like it. Ahhh, its a dog's life I tell ya.
    Jack (the mole muncher)

  2. zak - try adding a corner to the room. That might help with the flatness. The window is in perspective, but the wall is practically straight. What do you think?
