Sunday, May 5, 2013

business card idea for front.......going to redo a few things but wanted to show you all a sneak peak!!

1 comment:

  1. I like the Duck in the lower right hand corner. That's the look "Its-Da-Baby" aka "Miss-Goodie-Two-Shoes" (Isabel) gets on her face when I sneak up and scare her. What a woose! Did mom tell you that I ate a pound and a half of bird seed? Yeah, it was nuts, berries, sunflower seeds all kinds of good crunchy things. Did she also tell you I crapped out a pound and a half of bird seed all over the house? Yeah, it was nuts, berries, sunflower seeds and all kinds of crunchy things. She made dad clean it up, she was yelling something about "you wanted a male dog, you deal with him". I wanted to help him clean it up but he said something about me doing enough already so just sit there and try not to bite, bark, puke, crap, or lick anything for at least 5 minutes! Funny, I don't remember doing anything for him? What a "Ma-Roon", I don't know how mom puts up with him, he should take after me. What do ya think?
    Well, gonna go outside and eat something I know I shouldn't.
    Bow Wow for now.
    Your boy, Jack - the furry one.
