Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Below is a pre-viz painting I did for my 2D-Production class here at SCAD. I am very pleased with the outcome. I worked really hard on it and I feel as though it has paid off! Its pretty rare that I get excited about my own work but I have to say this piece is pretty sweet. Its an old concept I had for an illustration that I wanted to do post undergrad. I guess the moral is hang on to those ideas! They may come in handy later down the road!

Made in Flash 6 with a Photoshop overlay (to create that speckled look).

copyright Zak Shapiro 2012

1 comment:

  1. I don't know, I really don't blame the kid for crying, clowns can be and are very scary. In fact it's kind of like when Trever walks around the house wearing Madison's cloths! Even I think thats scary and I'm a dog!. Tell Ben the pain goes away but the emotional scars will still be there, I'm a perfect example. I still haven't got over when they cut mine off! That's why I crap on the rug every chance I get.
    P.S. they blame paige for that. She's old and won't yell at her as much!
