Monday, October 22, 2012

Here's a quick look at a character design I'm working on for my thesis film. The film takes place in a disco and needless to say the above character has a few hurdles to overcome. Nothing set in stone thus far but wanted to show you all my process.

The blue is my rough line work, and black is final. The red lines were me adding and correcting mistakes, like in the hands. I always like showing the "behind the scenes" of my drawing process. I hope you get a kick out of it!

1 comment:

  1. Yo "Tony"
    (John Travolta / "Tony Manero" / Saturday Night Fever)
    Everybody knows that!
    I listen to it all the time on my 8-track player when I'm cruising down the road in my 1966 Canary Yellow Plymouth Valiant (a regular chick magnet) and watch it on my Beta tape player. I love it so much it makes me mental! Can't wait for your cartoon to come out. Is he gonna have a gold chain?
    As always, many wet tongue kiss's & tail wagging.
