Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Here is my first ever animation with the Malcolm rig. The assignment was we had to choose a sound effect and have him react to it. I took it as an exercise to attempt a real cartoony, "Tex Avery" style of animation. A style I personally love and emulate.

There is a bunch of sticky moments in it when he turns into the take and several timing issues. Its not where I want it to be by any means but wanted to show it anyway. I'll spare you from my own criticism though :)

1 comment:

  1. Sticky Shmicky my furry little butt. I reminds me of when Isabel sneaks up and scares the living crap out of me. I usually end up chasing her around the backyard for about 37 minutes trying to wring her neck. I never catch her because she's much too fast for me, so I just smack her in the head when she's sleeping! Know what they say about payback!
    Your boy Jack
    P.S. It's too cold to pish outside so I've been going in the basement. (our little secret)
