Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Hello loyal (and new) followers!! I just wanted to say that because of all you wonderful people who keep coming back and checking my blog out, I have almost reached 4,000!!!! page views. Also, I have almost made 100 posts!!! Pretty cool if I say so :)

Anyway in humble gratitude and appreciation, I wanted to make a doodle just for all of you!

There it is! A pig! Enjoy and thanks for following along!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Here "piggy piggy piggy". Boy oh boy, I thought Pagie-Wagie was a porker. She's got nothing on this one. I take that back, she's a lean mean geriatric queen. Actually she's a couch potatoe that does nothing but blow gas. Just ask mom about the other night with her on the loveseat. Paint was actually peeling off the wall!
